"What Are We Made For?" a video sermon by Dr. Rev. Daniel Kanter, First Unitarian Church of Dallas
4:00 AM04:00

"What Are We Made For?" a video sermon by Dr. Rev. Daniel Kanter, First Unitarian Church of Dallas

  • Black Hills Unitarian Universalist Fellowship (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

After a year-long journey of discovering and activating our purpose as individuals, we are exploring how we can come together as spiritual people to change the world. You might want to brush up on your existentialism, this one is kinda deep.

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"How (and Why) We Got Our Unitarian Universalist 7 Principles," a video sermon by Rev. David Schwartz, UU Church of Boulder, CO.
4:00 PM16:00

"How (and Why) We Got Our Unitarian Universalist 7 Principles," a video sermon by Rev. David Schwartz, UU Church of Boulder, CO.

  • Black Hills Unitarian Universalist Fellowship (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

For more than two centuries, the principles and purposes of our tradition have changed in their expression and remained constant at the same time. How do we articulate what we believe in a creed-less religion? Rev. David walks though 150 years of Unitarian attempts to answer that question, looking at what stayed the same, what changed, and when any of it really matters!

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"The Commandant's Shadow," a documentary at the Rapid City Public Library
3:00 PM15:00

"The Commandant's Shadow," a documentary at the Rapid City Public Library

  • Black Hills Unitarian Universalist Fellowship (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Follow Hans Jürgen Höss, the son of Rudolf Höss, the Camp Commandant of Auschwitz, as he confronts his father's involvement in the murder of over a million Jews during the Holocaust. One of the library’s Donuts & Documentaries series. 3 pm at RCPL.


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