Lay Leader: Jan Snedigar
Program Presenter: BHUUF Book Club (Panel)
Program Title: No More Saviors
Description: The program will be a panel discussion from the UU Book Club based on the book, “No More Heroes”. The book and our discussion will focus on moving from a white dominated hierarchical patriarchy to, in the words of Harriet’s Apothercary, “co-creating accessible, affordable, liberatory, all-body loving, all-gender honoring, community healing spaces that recognize, inspire, and deepen the healing genius of people that identify as Black, Indigenous, and People of color and the allies that love us.”
Adult R.E.: What Moves Us - George de Benneville - De Benneville (BEN-eh-ville) was a medical doctor, preacher, teacher, writer, translator, friend of the refugee, advocate for Native American rights and the welfare of indentured servants, host to European nobility through his own aristocratic background, and friend to such men as Benjamin Franklin and Benjamin Rush through his liberal foreground. Today, de Benneville is recognized as one of the spiritual forebears of the Universalist Church of America.